It's been a minute. I've debated starting writing on this blog again for a long time, and I'm not sure what's made me choose now as the time to start typing again.
This blog was originally just part of my final year of university, and I had the idea of deleting it altogether at one point. But I think this may be the best way for me to de-stress, and so I'll probably start using it as a 'checking-in' system of sorts - a way to help myself document reaching small goals along my long (and, at times, hopeless) journey of successfully establishing myself during this pandemic.
By the end of this year, I am hoping to:
.Support myself (financially) only with my new business and independent freelance photography work
.Source a studio space in which The Hot Mess can build the foundations of becoming a known content-creating and social media business within the North
.Be in the position to start taking on placement students and give younger creatives the chance to start navigating their way through the industry AND be receiving the pay for it
This is going to be interesting to look back on, in December